What's New in C# 13: Overview of Upcoming Features

Overview of C# 13 Upcoming Features

The next version of C# (C# 13) brings a great deal to the table with increased flexibility, performance, and usability. From improved params collections and efficient locking mechanisms to enhancements in pattern matching and interpolated strings, C# 13 is packed with tools to improve productivity. Let’s cut to these exciting updates on how they can revolutionize your coding experience.

How to Try C# 13 Today?

So before we go through the new features in C# 13 you are going to have to get your environment set up. Install the latest Preview release of C# 13 in the latest preview of .NET 9 (today that would be Preview 6 as I write this post) and the latest Visual Studio 2022-17.11 Preview release. To take advantage of the preview features, the preview language version is set in the project file as:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
      <!--other settings-->

Advanced params Collections

C# 13 extends the params keyword one step further by making it work for any type that can be constructed using a collection expression, making method calls more flexible.

public void WriteUsers(params IEnumerable<string> users)
   => Console.WriteLine(String.Join(", ", users));

// Both would be output: User 1, User 2
WriteNames("User 1", "User 2");
WriteNames(new string[] {"User 1", "User 2"});

var users = new List<User>
   new User("Tyler", "Durden"),
   new User("Robert", "Paulson"),
   new User("Marla", "Singer"),
   new User("Bob", "Big")

// All of the following output: Tyler, Robert, Marla, Bob
WriteNames("Tyler", "Robert", "Marla", "Bob");
WriteNames(users.Select(user => user.FirstName));
WriteNames(from u in users select u.FirstName);

More Efficient Locking using System.Threading.Lock

The new System.Threading.Lock type in .NET 9 makes locking more efficient compared to using an arbitrary object and is fully integrated with the lock statement in C# 13.

public class ExampleClass
    private System.Threading.Lock resourceLock = new System.Threading.Lock();

    public void ExecuteTask() 
        lock (resourceLock)
            // Your code

Index from the End in Initializers

The ^ index operator now works in initializers, allowing for more intuitive and concise code.

class Cart
    public string[] Items { get; set; } = new string[10];

var cart = new Cart
    Items =
        [1] = "Kiwi",
        [^1] = "Lemon"  // Works starting in C# 13

    // cart.Items[1] is Kiwi
    // cart.Items[9] is Lemon, since it is the last element

New Escape Sequence

New escape sequence \e makes it easier to work with terminals and VT100/ANSI escape codes.

// Before C# 13
Console.WriteLine("\u001b[31mmHello, World! This text is red.\u001b[0m");

// With C# 13
Console.WriteLine("\e[31mHello, World! This text is red.\e[0m");

Partial Properties

C# 13 introduces partial properties to support source generators, providing a more natural API.

private static partial Regex HelloOrWorldProperty { get; };

string text = "hello, everyone!";

if (HelloOrWorldProperty.IsMatch(text))
    Console.WriteLine("The text contains 'hello' or 'world'.");
    Console.WriteLine("The text does not contain 'hello' or 'world'.");

Method Group Natural Type Improvements

Refinements in the rules for determining the natural type of method groups reduce compiler errors and make the language more robust.

TaskItem GetTask() => new(Id: 1, Description: "Complete the project");

Func<TaskItem> taskFunc = GetTask;
TaskItem task = taskFunc();

Console.WriteLine($"Task ID: {task.Id}, Description: {task.Description}");

Support for ref struct in Generics

C# 13 allows you to specify that a type parameter can be a ref struct, expanding the types that can be used in generic type parameters.

T GenericIdentity<T>(T parameter)
    where T : allows ref struct
    => parameter;

Span<int> spanExample = GenericIdentity(new Span<int>(new int[5]));

ref and unsafe in async Methods and Iterators

Before C# 13, both iterator methods—methods that use yield return—and async methods couldn’t declare local ref variables, nor could they have an unsafe context. In C# 13, we can have async methods declare ref local variables, or local variables of a ref struct type. These variables cannot be captured across an await boundary or a yield return boundary. Similarly, in C# 13 unsafe contexts are allowed within iterator methods, but all yield return and await statements are required to be in safe contexts. These eased-up constraints will allow you to use ref local variables and ref struct types in more places.

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I hope you enjoyed our exploration of the new features in C# 13. I tried to provide a comprehensive look at some of the most exciting and useful additions to the language. Have you had a chance to try out any of these new features in your projects? What are your thoughts?

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