Class vs Struct in C# NET or What are the differences between Class and Structure

What are the differences between Class and Structure

To start your journey in software development using C# .NET, it’s essential to grasp the basic elements: classes and structures. This overview will highlight the primary distinctions and real-world uses of these two ideas, empowering you to make knowledgeable choices in software construction.

Overview of Classes and Structures

In C# coding, classes and structures both encapsulate data, allowing the creation of objects and promoting the tenets of object-oriented programming. While they share some parallels, their inherent behaviors and applications set them apart, stemming from their fundamental design and how the system interacts with them.

What are Classes?

Classes are reference types. When you create an instance of a class, it resides in the heap, and you work with a pointer to that memory address instead of the direct data.

public class Circle
	public double Radius { get; set; }

	public double CalculateArea()
		return Math.PI * Radius * Radius;

Here, the Circle class represents a geometric shape with a property Radius and a method CalculateArea.


  1. Reference Nature: Classes reside in heap memory, and variables hold pointers to these memory addresses.
  2. Inheritance: Classes can inherit attributes and functions from other classes, a process referred to as inheritance.
  3. Memory Oversight: The .NET runtime’s garbage collector manages the memory for class instances since they’re positioned on the heap.
  4. Flexibility: Classes can possess a distinct parameterless constructor, have destructors, and can adopt interfaces.

What are Structures?

Structures are value types. They encapsulate minor data amounts or symbolize entities like numbers that carry a singular value. Their instances reside on the stack or are inlined for more extensive types.

public struct Point
    public double X { get; set; }
    public double Y { get; set; }

In this example, the Point struct represents a 2D point in space with X and Y coordinates.


  1. Value Nature: Structures reside in the stack memory (or inline within more substantial types), with variables containing the data itself.
  2. Lack of Inheritance: Structures can adopt interfaces, but they can’t inherit from other structures or classes.
  3. Automatic Memory: Being in the stack, their memory is naturally freed once the struct is out of its scope.
  4. Optimal Performance: They are ideal for compact objects, resulting in quicker access and actions.

Memory Allocation

When discussing memory allocation for C# classes and structures, comprehending their distinct memory management methods is essential. This understanding is pivotal for enhancing performance and optimizing memory usage.

Class: Heap Allocation

C# classes reside in the heap memory. The heap is a memory segment designated for objects that either live longer or are too sizable for the stack. Yet, overseeing heap memory necessitates the use of garbage collection to free up objects no longer in use. This mechanism can introduce additional overhead and potentially impact efficiency.

SampleClass exampleClass = new SampleClass();

In the code snippet above, the object exampleClass is an instance of SampleClass and it is stored in the heap memory.

Allocating memory on the heap offers adaptability and accommodates more substantial memory requirements, making it suitable for bigger objects or those with varying lifespans. However, heap memory access usually lags behind stack memory in speed, and the process of garbage collection introduces extra operations that could influence the application’s overall efficiency.

Struct: Stack Allocation

In C#, structures are considered value types and are typically allocated on the stack. The stack is a section of memory that adheres to a last-in-first-out (LIFO) mechanism for data and function call storage. It primarily caters to transient objects and information related to function calls, providing swift retrieval but within a confined memory capacity.

SampleStruct exampleStruct;
exampleStruct.Value = 10;

In the code, there is a variable named exampleStruct of type SampleStruct. This variable is stored in the stack.

Allocation on the stack, characteristic of structs, ensures quicker access and self-managed memory. As a struct becomes redundant, its memory is instantaneously released, leading to enhanced performance, especially for minor and ephemeral objects. Nonetheless, the stack’s memory space is constrained, and placing sizable objects on it can trigger a stack overflow.

Syntax and Declaration

For effective C# coding, grasping the use of classes and structures is pivotal. Their declaration and initialization follow varied syntaxes, making it essential to recognize these distinctions to craft code that’s both optimized and devoid of errors.

Class Syntax

In C#, a class is formulated using the class keyword. It can encompass fields, methods, properties, and various members that delineate the attributes and actions of the objects derived from it. The members of a class can possess diverse access modifiers such as public, private, and protected, determining their visibility and reachability.

public class Client
    private string completeName;

    public Client(string completeName)
        this.completeName = completeName;

In this example, a class called Client is defined. The class has a private field named completeName and a public constructor that sets the value of the completeName field.

In C#, the syntax and declaration for classes enable the crafting of intricate objects with associated behaviors (methods) and states (fields/properties). This facilitates encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, laying the foundation for a robust and adaptable object-oriented programming environment.

Struct Syntax

In C#, a structure, commonly referred to as a struct, is formulated with the struct keyword. While structs can contain fields, methods, and properties akin to classes, they lack the capability to inherit from other structs or classes and cannot serve as a foundational base for a class. Additionally, structs don’t support explicit parameterless constructors.

public struct Coordinate
    public int Latitude, Longitude;

    public Coordinate(double latitude, double longitude)
				Latitude = latitude;
        Longitude = longitude;

In this example, a Coordinate struct is created with two public fields Latitude and Longitude, and a constructor to set their values.

Declaring a struct mirrors the process of declaring a class, with the distinction being the use of the struct keyword instead of class. Structs are ideal for embodying straightforward, immutable data entities that don’t necessitate the advanced functionalities of a class. They are most effective for petite data structures that frequently undergo creation and deletion.

Access Modifiers

In C#, access modifiers play a crucial role in defining the reach and visibility of classes, structs, and their respective members. These modifiers stipulate how these entities and their components can be approached by external code, aiding in encapsulation, a fundamental tenet of object-oriented programming.

Class Access Modifiers

Within classes, access modifiers such as public, private, and protected dictate the accessibility level of class members. While a public member is available for access from any segment of the program, a private member is exclusive to its own class. Conversely, a protected member is accessible both from its native class and any class that inherits from it.

public class AccessExample
    private int privateValue;
    public int PublicValue { get; private set; }

In this code snippet, there is a class called AccessExample with a private field called privateValue and a public property called PublicValue. The privateValue can only be accessed within AccessExample, while PublicValue can be accessed from any code in the program.

Employing access modifiers in classes empowers you to dictate the visibility and reach of class components. This aids in enveloping class specifics and concealing them from outside code. As a result, the code becomes sturdier and simpler to upkeep by warding off external tampering of the inner workings and encouraging interactions based on interfaces.

Struct Access Modifiers

Similar to classes, structs can also employ access modifiers to manage the visibility and reach of their constituents.

public struct AccessStructExample
    private int privateValue;
    public int PublicValue { get; private set; }

Here, AccessStructExample is a struct with a private field privateValue and a public property PublicValue, similar to the class example above.

Applying access modifiers in structs mirrors their usage in classes, facilitating encapsulation and safeguarded interactions with struct instances. However, given the value-type characteristic of structs, encapsulation can have distinct impacts on performance and application. Regardless, it remains vital to uphold the struct’s stability and its role within the application.


Inheritance is a pivotal concept in object-oriented programming, and C# adheres to this principle. This allows a class, referred to as the derived class, to inherit elements (such as fields, methods, and so on) from another class, known as the base class. Understanding inheritance dynamics for classes and structs in C# is essential for proficient object-oriented design and coding.

Class: Supports Inheritance

In C#, classes can adopt fields, properties, and methods from a foundational class. This promotes code reusability and forges a bond between the parent and offspring classes. When aiming to access components in the foundational class from its descendant, the base keyword serves the purpose.

public class Creature
    public void Consume() 

public class Dog : Creature
    public void Howl() 

In this example, the Dog class gets the Consume method from the Creature class, showing basic class inheritance in C#.

In C#, class inheritance encourages code recycling, polymorphism, and a structured hierarchy among classes. This paves the way for the extension and adaptation of inherited members within the derived class, fostering versatility and fostering a streamlined, structured approach in object-oriented projects.

Struct: No Inheritance

In contrast to classes, structs in C# lack inheritance capabilities. They can neither inherit from other structs nor classes, nor can they serve as the foundation for a class. However, all structs inherently derive from System.ValueType, which subsequently inherits from System.Object.

public struct ImmutableInteger
    public int IntValue;

This code creates a simple structure. This structure cannot be used as a foundation and cannot inherit from any other class or structure except for System.ValueType.

The absence of inheritance in structs underscores their function as streamlined and autonomous data entities. This minimizes the intricacy and arrangement of structs, ensuring they remain direct and proficient, free from the potential complications and added weight of inheritance.

Usage Scenarios

Grasping the distinction between classes and structs is vital when determining the appropriate type for certain situations in C# development. Being aware of their individual traits and their implications on performance and functionality aids in making informed choices.

When to Use a Class

Classes are beneficial in scenarios where the identity and longevity of an object matter, when instances are anticipated to undergo modifications post-creation, or when there’s a need for inheritance and polymorphism.

public class Client
    public string CompleteName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

In this example, the Client class is a good choice because clients often have many characteristics and actions, and may need to be handled in different ways within the application.

Opting for classes in contexts where features such as inheritance, polymorphism, and mutable instances are leveraged leads to organized, scalable, and flexible code. Nonetheless, this choice might consume more memory and could introduce delays in access and operations.

When to Use a Struct

Structs excel when used for petite, state-centric objects that undergo frequent creation and deletion, and where the instances remain unchanged post-creation. They’re ideal for depicting basic data structures and value types where the object’s identity isn’t a primary concern.

public struct Coordinate
    public double Latitude { get; }
    public double Longitude { get; }

    public Coordinate(double latitude, double longitude)
        Latitude = latitude;
        Longitude = longitude;

In this code, the Coordinate is a good choice for a struct because it is a simple data structure with a clear, fixed state, and doesn’t need the extra features that classes provide.

Leveraging structs for particular scenarios results in code that’s streamlined, swift, and straightforward. This choice aids in memory conservation and prompt operations. However, structs come with constraints, lacking functionalities such as inheritance and the capacity to embody intricate behaviors.

Limitations and Challenges

Both classes and structs in C# serve significant purposes, yet they come with their set of limitations and hurdles. Recognizing these possible pitfalls allows developers to make knowledgeable decisions, enhancing the stability and performance of their C# implementations.

Class Limitations

While classes are potent and versatile, they might consume more memory due to their nature as reference types. Furthermore, managing the lifespan of objects, especially within extensive applications, can become intricate, potentially leading to memory leaks and performance challenges.

public class ByteArrayContainer
    private byte[] data = new byte[1000000];

Here, using ByteArrayContainer can unintentionally cause memory and performance problems if not handled correctly, highlighting the difficulties of using this class.

Employing classes in C# necessitates meticulous oversight of memory and the lifespans of objects. To sidestep memory leaks and guarantee memory is used effectively, developers must exercise vigilance, especially in vast and intricate applications. Though classes provide advantages such as inheritance and polymorphism, it’s crucial to strike a balance with diligent administration and optimization endeavors.

Struct Limitations

While structs are apt for modest and straightforward data types, they come with certain constraints. They can’t leverage all the facets of object-oriented programming in C#, and since they’re passed by value, performance issues could arise with bulkier structs.

public struct MassiveArray
    public double[] Elements = new double[1000000];

In this example, the MassiveArray is not a good choice to be used as a struct because it is very large. This demonstrates the potential performance issues that can arise when structs are used incorrectly.

Opting for structs when dealing with small, immutable objects capitalizes on their strengths. However, for larger data constructs or scenarios requiring sophisticated object-oriented capabilities, the drawbacks of structs might become evident, potentially rendering your code less optimal and more challenging to handle.

Practical Examples

To delve deeper into the distinctions between classes and structs, we’ll examine practical examples from C# that demonstrate the optimal situations for each. These instances will emphasize the distinct characteristics and advantages of both, offering a more lucid perspective on when to favor one over its counterpart.

Class in Action

Picture developing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system where you need to define a customer profile. Every customer boasts diverse attributes, potential actions (methods), and associations with different systems.

public class Client
    public string ClientCode { get; private set; }
    public string CompleteName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

    public Client(string clientCode)
        ClientCode = clientCode;

    public void SendEmail(string content)
        // Logic to send an email to the client

In this example, the Client class contains information such as ClientCode, CompleteName, and Email, and performs an action (SendEmail). The data represented by a client can change, and the object’s identity and interactions are very important, which is why a class is the right choice.

Such a layout paves the way for effortless enhancements down the line. As the CRM system expands, additional features, actions, and interplays can be incorporated for the customer, tapping into the comprehensive capacities of classesβ€” from referencing other objects to inheriting attributes and showcasing diverse behaviors.

Struct in Action

Picture developing a graphics application where you aim to display 2D points on a canvas. Every point has a Latitude and Longitude coordinate, denoting a specific location.

public struct Coordinate
    public double Latitude { get; }
    public double Longitude { get; }

    public Coordinate(double latitude, double longitude)
        Latitude = latitude;
        Longitude = longitude;

    public double DistanceTo(Coordinate other)
        return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(other.Latitude - Latitude, 2) + Math.Pow(other.Longitude - Longitude, 2));

In this example, the Coordinate struct is a great choice for representing a 2D point. It is small, cannot be changed once created (immutable), and does not have the extra overhead and features that classes have.

In this context, employing a struct aids in memory conservation, particularly when numerous Coordinate instances are rapidly instantiated and discarded. The DistanceTo method exemplifies the kind of operations typically required for these basic data constructs, emphasizing the suitability of structs for such purposes.


In essence, understanding the differences between classes and structs in C# NET is vital for streamlined software development. Your choice should align with the distinct needs and contexts of your application. While classes offer a rich feature set, structs are geared towards performance. Armed with this insight, developers can adeptly harness both paradigms, crafting C# NET applications with precision, proficiency, and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between a struct and a class in C#?

The primary difference is that classes are reference types and structures are value types. This means that classes are stored on the heap, while structures are stored on the stack.

Can both classes and structures implement interfaces?

Yes, both classes and structures can implement interfaces. This allows them to provide implementations for members defined by the interface.

What is the impact of boxing and unboxing on classes and structures?

Boxing is the process of converting a value type, like a structure, to a reference type (object). Unboxing is the reverse. This can introduce performance overhead for structures, as they are converted to and from objects. Classes are unaffected since they are already reference types.

Can structures have destructors like classes?

No, structures cannot have destructors. Only classes can have destructors which are used to release unmanaged resources before an object is garbage collected.

How does the ‘null’ value behave with classes and structures?

Class instances can be assigned the value ‘null’ to indicate they do not reference any object. Structures, being value types, cannot be null by default. However, nullable structures can be created using nullable value types (e.g., int?).

Are structs better than classes?

Whether structs are better than classes depends on the application’s specific needs. Structs, as value types, are typically faster for small data structures and have a short lifetime. Classes, as reference types, offer more flexibility with features like inheritance. The choice should be based on performance, size, and the desired functionality.

What are the disadvantages of structs?

The disadvantages of structs include their inability to support inheritance, potential performance issues with large sizes due to value-type semantics, and their default non-nullable nature. They also lack some object-oriented features compared to classes.

Can a struct have a constructor?

Yes, a struct can have constructors with parameters, but it cannot have an explicit parameterless constructor.

Can a struct have another struct?

Yes, a struct can contain another struct as a member or field.

Can a struct be a singleton?

While a struct can implement the singleton pattern principles, it’s unconventional and not recommended due to structs being value types. Typically, singletons are implemented using classes.

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