10 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Web Developers in 2023

Chrome Extensions for Web Developers in 2023

Welcome to the digital realm of 2023, where the world of web development continues to evolve at a breakneck pace. As web developers, staying ahead of the curve is not just a preference; it’s a necessity. With websites becoming more complex and user expectations constantly on the rise, having the right tools at your disposal can make all the difference. In this post, we’ll take you on a journey through the ever-expanding universe of Google Chrome extensions, showcasing the top 10 must-have Chrome extensions that are poised to empower web developers in 2023. These indispensable tools will streamline your workflow, boost your productivity, and ensure that your websites are cutting-edge and user-friendly. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your web development journey, fasten your seatbelt as we explore the extensions that will shape the future of web development in the year ahead.

React Developer Tools

“React Developer Tools” is a Chrome extension specifically designed for developers working with React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. This extension provides a set of tools that integrate into the Chrome Developer Tools, offering deep insights into React components trees and their current state and props. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Props and State Inspection: Developers can inspect the current props and state of each React component. This feature is crucial for debugging, as it allows seeing exactly what data is being passed to a component at any point in time.
  2. Performance Profiling: The extension includes performance profiling tools that help in identifying performance bottlenecks. Developers can record and analyze the performance of their React components to optimize render times and improve application performance.
  3. Live Editing: React Developer Tools enable live editing of component props and state in the browser. This allows developers to experiment and see the effects of changes in real-time, without needing to reload the page or recompile the code.
  4. Hooks Support: React Developer Tools offer first-class support for React Hooks, a feature that allows using state and other React features without writing a class. The extension shows the current state and other information about hooks used in a component.
  5. Context Inspection: Developers can inspect the React Context values used in their application. This is useful for debugging and understanding how data is passed down through the component tree via Context.
  6. Redux Integration: For applications using Redux with React, the extension can offer insights into the Redux store if used in conjunction with Redux DevTools..
  7. Filtering Capabilities: Developers can filter the components displayed in the tree based on their state, props, or type, making it easier to focus on relevant parts of the application during debugging or development.

React Developer Tools is an essential extension for any developer working with React, as it significantly enhances the debugging and development experience. By providing deep insights into the inner workings of React applications, it helps in quickly identifying and resolving issues, leading to more efficient and effective development workflows.

Redux DevTools

“Redux DevTools” is a Chrome extension that serves as a powerful tool for developers working with Redux, a popular state management library often used in conjunction with React and other JavaScript frameworks. This extension provides advanced capabilities for monitoring, manipulating, and debugging the application’s state managed by Redux. Below is a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. State Inspection and Navigation: Redux DevTools allows developers to inspect the current state of the Redux store at any given time. Users can navigate through the state tree, exploring the detailed state of each slice managed by Redux, which is crucial for understanding how the state changes over time.
  2. Action Monitoring: The extension tracks all Redux actions dispatched by the application. For each action, it displays the action type, payload, and the state before and after the action was dispatched. This makes it easier to understand how actions are affecting the state.
  3. Action Playback and Skipping: Users can replay actions in the order they were dispatched or skip certain actions during playback. This allows for more nuanced debugging and testing of how different sequences of actions affect the application state.
  4. Custom Actions Dispatching: Developers can dispatch actions directly from the DevTools. This feature is useful for testing how the store reacts to various actions without having to trigger them from within the application UI.
  5. Enhanced Performance Analysis: The extension offers features for analyzing the performance of Redux-related operations, helping in identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.

Redux DevTools is an indispensable tool for any developer working with Redux. Its comprehensive set of features enhances the development and debugging process, offering deep insights into how the application state evolves and how actions affect it. The ability to manipulate and analyze state in real time significantly speeds up the development and debugging of complex applications.

Postman Interceptor

“Postman Interceptor” is a Chrome extension that enhances the capabilities of Postman, a popular API (Application Programming Interface) testing tool, by enabling users to capture and inspect HTTP requests and responses made by web pages. This extension is particularly useful for developers and testers who work with APIs and need to debug or analyze network requests and responses. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Network Requests Capturing: Postman Interceptor can capture network requests directly from the Chrome browser. This includes requests made by web pages, such as API calls, AJAX requests, and any other HTTP or HTTPS requests.
  2. Request and Response Headers Inspection: The extension allows users to inspect the headers of HTTP requests and responses. This is crucial for debugging issues related to headers, such as authentication tokens, session cookies, or custom headers.
  3. Cookie Management: Postman Interceptor can capture and manage cookies associated with requests. This is particularly useful for testing APIs that rely on cookie-based authentication or session management.
  4. Customize Requests: Users can modify the captured requests before sending them to Postman. This includes changing the request method, headers, body, and other parameters, enabling thorough testing of API endpoints.
  5. Response Analysis: Along with requests, the extension also captures responses from the server. Users can analyze response data, headers, and status codes to ensure that APIs are functioning as expected.
  6. Secure and Private: Postman Interceptor ensures the security and privacy of data. It captures only the requests initiated by the user, without accessing or storing any sensitive information.

Postman Interceptor is an essential tool for web developers and API testers. Its ability to capture and inspect HTTP requests and responses directly from the browser, combined with its seamless integration with Postman, makes it a valuable resource for API development and testing. It simplifies the process of debugging and analyzing API requests, saving time and enhancing the accuracy of the results.

HTML Validator

“HTML Validator” is a Chrome extension designed to assist web developers and designers in validating the HTML code of webpages directly within the Chrome browser. This extension is particularly useful for identifying coding errors and ensuring compliance with web standards. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Real-time Validation: The extension automatically validates the HTML code of the webpage currently being viewed. It provides real-time feedback, highlighting any errors or issues in the HTML structure.
  2. Error Reporting: When the extension detects HTML errors, it lists them in a clear, easy-to-understand format. Each error is accompanied by a brief explanation and, when possible, a suggestion for how to fix it. This feature aids in quick debugging and learning.
  3. Line-by-Line Code Inspection: Users can inspect their HTML code line by line. The extension highlights the exact line where an error occurs, making it easier to pinpoint and correct issues.
  4. Compliance with Standards: The extension checks the HTML code against established web standards such as those set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This ensures that the code is compatible with a wide range of browsers and follows best practices.
  5. Customization Options: Users have the ability to customize the settings of the extension to suit their specific needs, such as ignoring certain types of errors or focusing on specific aspects of HTML validation.
  6. Support for Latest HTML Versions: The extension is regularly updated to support the latest versions of HTML, ensuring that users can validate modern webpages effectively.
  7. Integration with Development Tools: The extension can be used in conjunction with other development tools and browser features, providing a seamless experience for web developers.

This Chrome extension is a valuable tool for anyone involved in web development or design, from beginners to experienced professionals, ensuring that their webpages are error-free, compliant with standards, and accessible to all users.

JSON Formatter

“JSON Formatter” is a Chrome extension that is designed to make working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data easier and more efficient, especially for developers, data analysts, and anyone who regularly interacts with JSON-formatted data. This tool offers a range of features focused on improving the readability and handling of JSON data in the browser. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Automatic JSON Detection and Formatting: The extension automatically detects JSON content on web pages and formats it to be human-readable. It adds indentation and line breaks to raw JSON data, making it easier to read and understand.
  2. Syntax Highlighting: JSON Formatter highlights different elements of the JSON data (like keys, values, strings, and numbers) in different colors. This syntax highlighting improves the readability of the data and helps users quickly identify different parts of the JSON structure.
  3. Collapsible and Expandable Tree View: The formatted JSON data is presented in a tree view, where users can collapse and expand sections of the JSON structure. This is particularly useful for navigating and examining large and complex JSON objects.
  4. Link and Image Parsing: JSON Formatter can detect URLs and image links in JSON data and turn them into clickable links or show the images inline. This feature makes it easier to work with JSON data that includes references to web resources.
  5. Copy and Save Functionality: Users can copy formatted JSON to the clipboard or save it directly from the browser. This feature is useful for quickly sharing or storing formatted data for further use.
  6. Array and Object Size Count: The extension shows the size (number of elements) of arrays and objects in the JSON data, providing a quick overview of the data’s complexity and structure.
  7. Easy Navigation: JSON Formatter offers an easy-to-use navigation bar at the top of formatted JSON data, allowing users to collapse, expand, or navigate to the top of the JSON structure quickly.
  8. Error Indication: If the JSON is malformed, the extension indicates an error, helping users to quickly identify and rectify syntax issues in the JSON data.

JSON Formatter is an invaluable tool for anyone who frequently works with JSON data on the web. Its features make interpreting, navigating, and managing JSON data much more manageable, contributing to more efficient development and data analysis workflows.


“Cookie-Editor” is a specialized Chrome extension designed to make managing cookies in the browser a simple and efficient process. Primarily aimed at web developers, testers, and privacy-conscious users, this tool offers a range of features that allow for the easy creation, deletion, and modification of cookies. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. View and Edit Cookies: Cookie-Editor allows users to view all the cookies related to the current webpage. Users can edit the details of these cookies, such as their names, values, domains, and expiration dates. This feature is particularly useful for developers who need to test how changes in cookies affect website behavior.
  2. Create New Cookies: The extension provides the ability to create new cookies from scratch. This can be useful for testing the impact of new cookies on web applications without needing to change the application code.
  3. Import and Export Cookies: Cookie-Editor supports importing and exporting cookies. This feature is useful for sharing cookies between different environments or browsers, and for backup purposes.
  4. Search Functionality: Users can search for specific cookies based on their name, value, or domain, making it easier to find and manage a large number of cookies.
  5. Compatibility with Different Cookie Formats: Cookie-Editor is capable of handling various cookie formats, making it versatile for different web development and testing needs.

Cookie-Editor is an essential tool for anyone who needs to manage website cookies regularly, especially web developers and testers. Its comprehensive feature set allows for efficient and effective manipulation of cookies, aiding in various tasks from testing and development to privacy management.

User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

“User-Agent Switcher for Chrome” is a practical and user-friendly Chrome extension that enables users to quickly and easily switch between different user-agent strings. This tool is particularly useful for web developers and testers who need to see how websites appear and function across various browsers and devices. Below is a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. User-Agent Switching: The primary function of this extension is to allow users to emulate different browsers by changing the user-agent string. This means you can view websites as if you are visiting them from a different browser or a different device (like a mobile phone or tablet).
  2. Extensive List of User-Agents: The extension comes with a wide range of predefined user-agents, including different versions of popular browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge) and various mobile devices (like iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and tablets).
  3. Custom User-Agent Creation: Beyond the predefined list, users have the option to create and add custom user-agent strings. This is particularly useful for testing websites on browsers or devices that might not be included in the default list.
  4. Quick and Easy Switching: Switching between different user-agents is simple and quick, typically involving just a couple of clicks. This ease of use is a significant time-saver, especially when conducting extensive cross-browser testing.
  5. Site-Specific User-Agent Switching: The extension allows setting different user-agent strings for specific websites. This is useful when certain sites require or perform better with particular browsers or devices.
  6. Override HTTP Headers: User-Agent Switcher can also modify certain HTTP request headers to match the selected user-agent, providing a more consistent and accurate emulation of different browsing environments.
  7. Ease of Use in Development and Testing: The extension is particularly beneficial for web developers and QA testers who need to ensure that websites and web applications function correctly across different browsing environments without having to switch between multiple devices or browsers.

User-Agent Switcher for Chrome is an invaluable tool for web development and testing, providing a straightforward and efficient way to emulate different browsing experiences. Its wide range of user-agent options and easy-to-use interface make it a go-to solution for professionals who need to ensure cross-browser and cross-device compatibility of websites and web applications.

Responsive Viewer

“Responsive Viewer” is a Chrome extension designed to assist web developers and designers in testing their websites’ responsiveness across multiple screen sizes and resolutions simultaneously. This tool is especially valuable in a web development landscape where websites must function flawlessly on a wide range of devices. Below is a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Simultaneous Viewing Across Multiple Devices: Responsive Viewer allows users to view a website on multiple virtual screens at once. This feature enables developers and designers to quickly see how their website or web application behaves on different devices, screen sizes, and resolutions, all within a single window.
  2. Predefined Device Screen Sizes: The extension comes with a selection of predefined screen sizes representing a wide range of devices, including various smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop monitors. This helps in quickly setting up a responsive testing environment without manual configuration.
  3. Custom Screen Sizes: Beyond the predefined sizes, users can also add custom screen resolutions. This is particularly useful for targeting specific devices or for testing web applications in unique display scenarios.
  4. Synchronized Browsing: Responsive Viewer synchronizes navigation across all the virtual screens. When a user scrolls or navigates to a different page in one screen, the same action occurs in all other screens. This feature saves time and ensures consistency in the testing process.
  5. Independent Interaction with Each View: While offering synchronized browsing, the tool also allows users to interact with each device view independently. This is crucial for testing interactive elements and individual user interface components.
  6. Easy-to-Use Interface: The extension boasts a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it accessible for both experienced developers and those who are new to responsive design.
  7. Screen Capture: Responsive Viewer can take screenshots of all device views at once, allowing users to document how their site appears on different devices. This is helpful for presentations, client demonstrations, or for keeping a record of responsive design tests.
  8. Developer Tools Integration: The extension works seamlessly with Chrome’s built-in developer tools, enabling advanced debugging and inspection of web elements across different screen sizes.
  9. Performance Optimization: Responsive Viewer is optimized for performance, ensuring that it does not excessively consume system resources, even when displaying multiple device views simultaneously.

Responsive Viewer is an essential tool for modern web development, where responsive design is not just a luxury but a necessity. By providing a quick and efficient way to test and visualize a website’s responsiveness, it aids developers and designers in creating web pages that offer a consistent user experience across all devices.


“ColorZilla” is a popular and versatile Chrome extension widely used by web developers, graphic designers, and digital artists for color-related tasks. It offers a variety of features to simplify the process of working with colors on web pages. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Eyedropper Tool: This is one of the core features of ColorZilla. It allows users to pick color values from any point in their browser. This is particularly useful for designers and developers who want to quickly grab and replicate specific colors they see on web pages.
  2. Color Picker: ColorZilla includes an advanced Color Picker, similar to those found in graphic design software. This tool lets users select colors using a visual interface and provides detailed color information (like RGB and HEX codes).
  3. Gradient Generator: The extension comes with a powerful CSS gradient generator. This feature enables users to create complex gradients that can be used in web design. It automatically generates the corresponding CSS code, making the integration into web projects seamless.
  4. Color History: ColorZilla keeps a history of recently picked colors, so users can easily go back and select previously picked colors without having to pick them again.
  5. Webpage Color Analyzer: This feature provides an overview of the color scheme used on a webpage. It’s useful for understanding the overall color palette of a site and for inspiration in designing new pages or themes.
  6. CSS Code Generation: For every color and gradient selected, ColorZilla generates the corresponding CSS code, which can be easily copied and pasted into CSS files. This is a great time-saver for web developers.
  7. Zoom Feature: The extension offers a page zoom feature for getting a closer look at small details, ensuring precision in color selection.
  8. Cross-Browser Compatibility: While primarily a Chrome extension, ColorZilla is also available for other browsers, which helps maintain workflow consistency across different environments.

Overall, ColorZilla is an essential tool for anyone who frequently works with colors on the web. Its comprehensive set of features makes it a valuable asset for web development, graphic design, and even for non-professionals who have color-related needs in their web activities.


“Lighthouse” is a powerful Chrome extension aimed at helping web developers, SEO specialists, and site administrators improve the quality of their web pages. Developed by Google, this open-source, automated tool runs a series of audits against a web page and generates a report on the page’s performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. Here’s a detailed description of its key features and functionalities:

  1. Performance Audits: Lighthouse analyzes the performance of a web page by checking metrics like First Contentful Paint, Speed Index, Time to Interactive, and more. It provides performance scores and actionable recommendations to enhance the speed and efficiency of the site.
  2. Accessibility Testing: The extension evaluates the accessibility of a web page to ensure it is usable by people with disabilities. It checks for proper use of ARIA attributes, screen reader compatibility, appropriate contrast ratios, and other accessibility best practices.
  3. Best Practices Assessment: Lighthouse reviews a range of best practices for modern web development. This includes checks for HTTPS usage, correct image aspect ratios, and avoidance of deprecated APIs.
  4. SEO Audits: It performs basic SEO checks to ensure the page is optimized for search engine rankings. This covers aspects like descriptive title elements, meta descriptions, successful HTTP status codes, and legible font sizes.
  5. Progressive Web App (PWA) Checks: Lighthouse can audit a web application’s compliance with progressive web app standards. It checks service worker registration, web app manifests, and other criteria essential for PWAs.
  6. Detailed Reporting: After completing its audits, Lighthouse generates a detailed report with scores in each category. The report provides insights into issues, diagnostic data, and guidance on how to fix identified problems.
  7. Interactive Reports: The generated reports are interactive and user-friendly, with collapsible sections for each audit. Users can expand each section to view detailed information and recommendations.
  8. Integration with Chrome DevTools: Lighthouse is integrated into the Chrome Developer Tools, making it accessible directly from the Chrome browser without the need to install a separate extension.

Lighthouse is an invaluable tool for web developers and SEO specialists looking to optimize their sites. Its comprehensive auditing capabilities provide essential insights into various aspects of web page quality, helping to create faster, more accessible, and more effective web pages.

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